Best Syracuse Lawyers for Defending Violations
A violation charge is not something you should take lightly. If not handled right from the start, a violation charge can land you in local jail for up to fifteen days and can result in serious consequences like a permanent mark on your criminal record. This can lead to a loss of employment, being refused for certain licenses, entry to school and, for certain violations like unlawful possession of marijuana (UPM), obtaining federal student loans. Many people not realizing that a violation can have drastic effects go to court, plead guilty, and pay a small fine. Down the road these people realize they made a huge mistake that, unfortunately, cannot ever be fixed. Although a violation charge is not a crime, make no mistake, it must be taken very seriously.
What Do You Need If You Are Charged with a Violation?
First, you need to have your questions answered by an experienced criminal defense attorney with years of criminal court work and trial experience.
You need a defense attorney who will explain how the system works and what you can expect.
You need an attorney who you can call with your questions and who will work to obtain information for you, so that you can make intelligent decisions about your violation case and your life.
How We Can Help You
Our criminal defense attorneys are skilled in representing clients charged with any and all violation charges including:
Drug Offenses: We can help you if you are charged with unlawful possession of marijuana (UPM).
Local Ordinance Crimes: We can help you if you are charged with loitering, littering, open container, curfew violations, serving alcohol to minors.
Crimes Against Others: We can help you if you are charged with harassment or disorderly conduct